Friday, September 19, 2008

Responding - Not Reacting

No man is ever whipped, until
he quits in his own mind.

Respond to life, do not merely
react to it. When we are hit with
negative words or situations from
other people, we usually immediately
react to that situation. Take a second
or two, pull back in your mind, now
respond with the thinking part of
your brain, say a quick prayer, like
help me God, it only takes a split
second, then you are ready to respond
and not reacting to the situation.
Remember if you react to a
situation, you lose, if you respond to
a situation, you win.

Think about this, when you were in the
armed forces, you leaders looked at a
situation and then responded the
correct way, they did not respond then
look if it was the right way to respond.

Author: Alden Morrison

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Introduction at Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings

No man is ever whipped, until
he quits in his own mind.

At AA meetings, everyone introduces
themselves, i.e. Al, alcoholic or Al,
addict to get to know each other.

Now keeping in mind that my mind
does not care what I put in it, good
or bad, it will act out what I put into
it. If I am constantly telling myself
that I am a alcoholic or addict, it
will find ways to convince me to act
as one and lay out a plan to carry it
out. This maybe the reason for the
term "stinking thinking" used often
at Alcoholic Anonymous meetings.
I could be setting myself up for a
relapse without knowing it, because
my mind is working on the solution,
i.e. to have a drink that is what
alcoholics do and my mind knows it.

While in the Veterans Administration
Program for alcoholics and addicts, I
was taught how our minds work while
on alcohol or drugs and what happens
before we relapse, so that is why I say
"my mind is working on the solution,
to get a drink", it is working around
all the good information my mind
learned in the Veterans program and
wants to get me that drink, I don't

This could be the reason why the AA
success rate is small according to there
own figures. Now don't get me wrong,
I love AA for the 12 Step program and
fellowship I get and I attend meetings

So now it is my belief right or wrong to
now introduce myself as "Al, Sober
today", that way my mind is not
receiving conflicting information
to act on.

Author: Alden Morrison

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

No man is ever whipped, until
he quits in his own mind.

Today I attended a Bible - 12 Step
Program on step nine.

The bible-12 Step meeting is a little
different than the Alcoholics
Anonymous meetings in that we sit
in a circle and everyone shares in
turn after the moderator has discussed
a certain part of Step Nine which was
the focus this week. If you do not
feel like sharing, you simply pass.

The focus was on making a direct amends
to the people we have hurt.

As people began sharing, I remembered
what my instructors in the Veterans
Program had suggested very strongly,
"avoid all relationships for at least one
year into your sobriety".

Everyone was sharing on mothers, fathers,
siblings, ex wives, husbands or significant
others. No one shared anything about
just plain friends, it seems we alcoholics
are short of real friends and it was very
evident we know how to destroy personal
relationships with close family members
and that is a good enough reason to avoid
any new relationships for at least your
first year of sobriety.

I was thinking about myself since I have
been sober for eleven months now and I
am content. I have not had any real
relationships in the last five years and
single life suites me fine. I avoid
relationships like they are the plague,
so there are no new violent words to
make amends for. The tongue can be a
very violent tool, more so than our
sometimes reactions to someone else's
tongue (domestic violence).

Bottom line is, avoid relationships
for a while anyway, enjoy your own
company because we do not need any
more problems than we already have.

Author: Alden Morrison

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Faith - One Day At A Time

By sincerely engaging in spiritual
practice, we can gain mastery over
our mind

Today is a new day and with
it comes new problems and
new solutions.

Yesterdays problems and there
solutions are gone and I cannot
go back and correct them.

Hopefully I have learned something
from yesterday that I can apply as a
solution to new problems as they
come up.

Author: Alden Morrison