Thursday, July 9, 2009

21 Months Alcohol Free

The good life is waiting for you
after you are freed from the prison
of your own thoughts.

I have been sober for 21 months now and
somehow it only feels like I had my last drink
yesterday. I have since found a great apartment,
a part time job in a IT department, which I am
enjoying, it actually gives me somewhere
to go each day. I take courses at the local
community college in computer technology
and I now have a little dog called Ruby as a
pal in the afternoons to play with. So between
work, school, home work and Ruby I have a
full day.

I have not gone to a AA meeting in three months,
so I decided to attend a meeting last night. I was
surprised that I only new 3 people in attendance,
as we were chatting after the meeting, I found out
that many others had returned to drinking and
pill popping.

I no longer have the urge for a drink and attend
many social functions where alcohol is served, I
don't have a problem with that and always stick
to my diet coke. All my co workers and friends
know I am an alcoholic and I am up front about
that fact. I even think it works to my advantage
to let it be known because I am sure someone
would intercede, if I attempted to have a drink
at a weak moment. I follow all that I learned
while going through the veterans substance
abuse program here in Gainesville, Florida.
and I am only a phone call away from my case
manager at the VA (Irma) and Dr Brandt the
hottest looking chick I know . I don't think she
appreciates me calling her that, but I can,
because this is my blog.

I have not entered into a relationship but frequently
date and have a special lady that means a lot to me.

I got my life back and I continue to be a sober
alcoholic Marine veteran. Thanks to all the guys
and gals at the Veterans Hospital in Gainesville,
Florida and to my God.

Author: Alden Morrison